Feb 5/23 9:35am

I Am here daughter, write these words:

It is I, the Holy Spirit. The Mighty Rushing Wind of Hope, of Grace, of Peace. The Father is most pleased as you submit; as you surrender your own will to His perfect will for your life. Be at peace child of the Most High, for you are safe within His grasp. He has His children. Safe and embraced in His arms. Daughter, keep praying! Keep declaring! Sit in silence and listen for My voice to lead you. Step by step. Little by little, we move forward. Like a caterpillar, it inches its way across the field. As it moves, it is in the process of developing into the beautiful butterfly it is yet to become. With each movement, it is driven forward by the will of its Maker. As are you My children. Keep pressing forward. Keep hoping, keep believing. For your day of deliverance is upon that leaf you will choose to wrap yourself upon and will rest; trusting; instinctually laying it all down to the will of the One who sees your transformation. Daughter it is here. Surrender to the final stage. The stage of metamorphosis. He wraps you in His cocoon. He dresses you in His love, protection and courage. And from here, you will break open the shell that has secured itself around you, and will emerge with wings to carry you into your your destiny. His perfect will. Keep moving My precious darlings. Keep seeking the perfect will of your Father. He is leading you into all He has for each of you. For He has loved you and has called you by His name.
Holy Spirit

Source: Metamorphosis – Terri Hennessey

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